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Waiting For Your Adopted ChildWaiting for your adopted child can be a tough experience, especially if your adoption takes two or even three years to finalize. We started our own adoption journey with our daughter in the fall of 2003, and did not bring her home until almost a full two years later.Mind you, the first few months were crazy busy, as we pursued a home study and gathered together all of our documents to send off to the agency. But after that, we just...waited...and then waited some more for our approval from immigration services and for our referral. I have to tell you that I went through some pretty severe depression at times, wondering if the day would ever come when I could finally meet my daughter face to face. Now, five years later, I realize there are things I could have done differently to ward off the depression and make the time more productive. So with a little fear and trembling, here are my suggestions on a productive waiting for your adopted child. ![]() Make a Project ListTrust me on this one; once your child is home, all those projects you've been planning to get around to won't get done for at least a year, or more likely two. If you've never been a parent before, you have no idea what kind of restraints children - even older children - will put on your time. Mind you, I wouldn't trade those responsibilities for anything, but my house also hasn't had a deep cleaning since my daughter came home.So once you finish your paperwork, sit down and make a list of all the projects you've been wanting to get done. Allot a realistic amount of time to each project and set a deadline for each one. That way, you keep busy while waiting for your adopted child to come home, and after she's home, you'll be able to take the following eighteen months off without guilt. Create an Adoption BookYou may think that day you spent visiting every department store in town for just the right crib will be etched in your memory forever, but you will forget these things unless you write them down. So while waiting for your adopted child to come home, spend time now writing your child's adoption story. Write letters to your child, take photographs and collect memorabilia. Every child loves reading a story about himself, and your child will too.Do Some FundraisersMake it your goal to work towards a debt-free adoption by organizing and working on a couple of fundraisers while waiting for your adopted child. That way, you or your spouse can have the freedom to stay home with your child after you bring her home. Want to learn more about different fundraisers you can do? Click here.More Tips on Bringing Your Child HomeFinances are the number one reason many couples don't pursue their dream of adopting a child, but it doesn't have to stop you from adopting. We were able to adopt our three children without going into debt. You can too. Learn more.Learn how to get ready to bring your child home by clicking here. Before you know it, you'll be getting that call saying you can travel to pick up your child. Learn how you can prepare for it now by clicking here. If you plan on adopting small children, be sure to include a fun travel kit to keep your little ones occupied. Learn how to make a travel kit by clicking here. That adoption trip home with your new children can be a great bonding time if you make it fun. Here's how. Are you getting ready to travel to bring your toddler home? Then you won't want to miss these important tips. While waiting for the green light to pick up your child, it's easy to become discouraged and depressed, especially if you have a long wait. Learn ways to deal with the discouragement by clicking here. Learning the language of your child's native country is a huge plus. Not only does it help you while you travel, but you will also bond more quickly with your child. Learn more. Taking a few simple steps will help make traveling home with your child smoother. Learn more. You may be legally qualified to take up to twelve weeks of unpaid leave once your bring your newly adopted child. Read more. Learn to negotiate for extra maternity leave. Learn how. |
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