Perfect Family Travel
Perfect family travel.
Okay, that may seem like a fantasy, especially with your newly adopted children, but your travel adoption home can be a great bonding time.
But you must take the time now to plan for a pleasant and smooth trip home.
If you are adopting older children, their trip home with you will be a time your they'll remember all of their lives.
A little planning beforehand to include some special fun times will help with the bonding process and ensure your children remember the pleasant things in clear detail and forget some of the more tedious aspects of traveling.
Meredith Brokaw and Annie Gilbar, authors of Penny Whistle Traveling-with-Kids Book: Whether by Boat, Train, Car, or Plane...How to Take The Best Trip Ever with Kids , say you should think of traveling with your child or children as the chance to experience new things with them.
But there are crucial points to remember:
Perfect Family Travel Make it a Vacation for Your Children
Think about your child and his or her developmental level.
Don't just think of it as traveling to meet your child.
Think of it as a vacation for your child as well.
Because you don't yet know your child, plan on being flexible.
After you arrive and meet your child, find out what your child would like to see and then make plans to visit that spot.
If you aren't able to do any kid-friendly activities in your child's native country, think about fun things you can do in your hometown back home.
Or how about that children's museum near the airport?
Perfect Family Travel Go Slowly
Don't plan on seeing every great tourist spot.
Instead plan on one fun spot a day, and be sure to include mealtimes, naptimes and regular bedtimes.
That way your children will be able to have fun without getting overtired.
Let Your Child Help with Packing
On the trip to his new home, your child will feel more secure if he is allowed to pack his very own suitcase (with your help) and carry his own bag on the plane.
So before you leave, buy your child a small suitcase you believe he can carry and also buy plenty of fun activities to include.
He'll take comfort in knowing his own special items are with him.
More Tips on Bringing Your Child Home
Finances are the number one reason many couples don't pursue their dream of adopting a child, but it doesn't have to stop you from adopting.
We were able to adopt our three children without going into debt.
You can too. Learn more.
Learn how to get ready to bring your child home by clicking here.
Before you know it, you'll be getting that call saying you can travel to pick up your child.
Learn how you can prepare for it now by clicking here.
If you plan on adopting small children, be sure to include a fun travel kit to keep your little ones occupied.
Learn how to make a travel kit by clicking here.
That adoption trip home with your new children can be a great bonding time if you make it fun.
Here's how.
Are you getting ready to travel to bring your toddler home?
Then you won't want to miss these important tips.
While waiting for the green light to pick up your child, it's easy to become discouraged and depressed, especially if you have a long wait.
Learn ways to deal with the discouragement by clicking here.
Learning the language of your child's native country is a huge plus.
Not only does it help you while you travel, but you will also bond more quickly with your child.
Learn more.
Taking a few simple steps will help make traveling home with your child smoother.
Learn more.
You may be legally qualified to take up to twelve weeks of unpaid leave once your bring your newly adopted child.
Read more.
Learn to negotiate for extra maternity leave.
Learn how.
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