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Comments for Our Honduras Adoption

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Jun 27, 2014
IHNFA disolved early June 2014
by: Anonymous

The new Honduran president just dissolved IHNFA and replaced it with a new organization (DINAF) supposedly due to "irregularities" that were discovered. Hopefully this is a good step and does not serve to just slow down on-going adoptions. Don't give up on those babies! They need love!

Mar 26, 2014
by: Anonymous

People are losing their interest and going to other Central American Countries. Attorney's are making it cost prohibitive. I know of one case that has been going on for 4 years and the people have over $40,000.00.

In Honduras it is about the MONEY and not the child.

Jan 18, 2013
Shame on Honduras
by: Anonymous

I am disgraced at the fact that all this children are in these orphanages malnourished and unloved and still they make it difficult for anyone to adopt them. The only reason they do make it difficult is because they want ti suck every penny from you. All they care about is the money and not the children wich is just so sad. I am a honduran and i live in the states and have encountered many people who would like to adopt honduran babies yet the governmnet is not allowing them to. Its such a shame. Shame on Honduras for not allowing these children to be loved. I have visited INFA and have seen how much they need from staff to help with the children to refrigerators etc. No one cares. There was talk of them actually shutting down INFA because there was no money. I am sitting here thinking why in the worl cant they allow people to adopt. I met a few families who adopted babies from INFA and they had to do the same thing. Bribe and pay and bribe some more. It breaks my heart for these children.

Jul 06, 2011
by: jennifer

we can totally agree. Adoptions in Honduras is very difficult. One year and still not done with papers. So difficult because we have bonded with our angel

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