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International Adoption Waiting Children

The international adoption waiting children - children available for international adoption who are put on a waiting list because for one reason or another, finding a permanent home for them has been more of a challenge. Could one or more of these children be for you?

As with any decision about adoption it will depend on you. Do you feel you can only handle a younger child, or are you ready to love and care for a child who is truly in need?

Why Are They Waiting?

Sometimes they are sibling groups who need to stay together. Other kids on international adoption waiting children lists have disabilities that will require extra time and medical expenses. Still other kids on these lists are older children over the age of six.

Benefits of Waiting Children

Shorter or No Wait

The benefits of choosing these children over an infant or toddler is usually you will get an immediate referral of a child. When my husband and I pursued our international adoption, we waited nearly ten months for our referral. You can have your entire adoption finalized in that time span should you choose a child on an international adoption waiting children list.

Lower Fees

Also, agencies and officials in other countries are much more willing to cut costs when you choose one of these waiting children.

Truly Providing Aid

Unlike a baby, who is easily adopted, you are truly helping a child who may never find a home otherwise.

More Children Available

There are a large number of children available on international adoption waiting lists, and you can find lists of waiting children in many countries, including Canada and even the United States.

Easier to Care for Sooner

I write this with some trepidation, because you should never adopt an older child under the assumption that he will be easier to care for than a toddler. True, if you do adopt a nine-year-old, he will be able to dress and feed himself, but in the beginning, he will need as much time or more than an infant.

But once you and your child have settled in, he will be much easier to care for than a toddler, and unlike a screaming baby, his issues may be far less wearing on your nerves.

How to Find Them

To find a list of international adoption waiting children, first choose a reputable agency. Once you have selected an agency, they will usually forward you a link to their list of children with a password to access that list.
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Many couples are intimidated at the prospect of adopting a sibling group, but the benefits of adopting these children far outweigh the hassles. Learn the benefits of the sibling group adoption.

Learn some of the pros and cons of adopting sibling groups by clicking here.

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Children on an international adoption waiting children list are there because agencies consider them harder to place. But one or more of these children could be the right child for you. Learn more by clicking here.

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